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Typewriter factories, offices, and employees. Grouped by continent.

Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft (A.E.G.)

Berlin, Germany

(Mignon Typewriters)

Mignon Typewriter Factory

Continsouza Establishements

Belleville, France

(Contin Typewriters)

Contin Typewriter Factory

Everest Typewriter Company

Crema, Italy

(Serio-Everest S.p.A.)

Everest Typewriter Factory Crema Italy

Frister & Rossman AG

Berlin, Germany

(Senta Typewriter)

Senta Typewriter Factory

George Salter & Company

West Bromwich, England

Salter Typewriter Factory

Hermes Typewriter Company

Yvedon-les-Bains, Switzerland

(Paillard S.A.)

Hermes Typewriter Factory
Hermes Typewriter Factory

Julius Pintsch A.G.

Frankfurt, Germany

(Manufacturers of Edelmann Typewriters)

Julius Pintsch Frankfurt Factory

L. Kamm & Company

London, England

(Manufacturers of the Zerograph)

Zerograph Typewriter Factory
Zerograph Typewriter Factory

North's Typewriter Manufacting Company, Ltd.

57d Hatton Garden, London, England

North's Typewriter Factory

Olivetti Typewriter Company

Ivrea, Italy

(Original Factory)

Olivetti Typewriter Factory Ivrea Italy

Olivetti Typewriter Company

Barcelona, Spain

Olivetti Typewriter Factory Barcellona Spain

Olympia Werke West GmbH 

Wilhelmshaven, West Germany

Olympia Typewriter Factory

Optima Office Machine Works

Erfurt, East Germany

Optima Typewriter Factory in Erfurt

Remington-Rand BV

Den Bosch, The Netherlands

Remington Rand Typewriter Factory The Netherlands
Remington Rand Typewriter Factory The Netherlands

Royal Typewriter Company

Leiden, Holland

Royal Typewriter Factory in Leieden, Holland


Chemnitz, Germany

(Continental Typewriters)

Continental Wanderer Werke Typewriter Factory
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