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Williams Junior Typewriter

Both the Junior and Academy were nothing more than a slightly updated Williams No.2. The most obvious changes were the elongated spacebar, heightened top posts and the addition of an enclosure for the type lever springs behind the keyboard. A decal just behind the rear typebars identifying the model may be present.

Williams Junior Typewriter

As the ad on this page dating to April of 1905 states, the Junior was meant for the U.S. market while the Academy was for European markets. It would not be uncommon to find any Williams model labeled "Williams Typewriter Co. for Europe." Both versions were sold concurrently with the No.4 model and shared the same serial number range. All indications are that the Junior and Academy were made from left over No.2 inventory. 

Williams Junior Typewriter


Williams Typewriter Co.

Derby, Connecticut, US

It was common practice to extend the life of a model long after it was rendered outdated or obsolete. Sometimes the original manufacturer did so to sell off old stock, as was the case with the Fox's Rapid brand, and sometimes it was another manufacturer simply attempting to capitalize on an already established brand, as with the Manhattan. The Junior (and Academy) from the Williams Typewriter Company falls into the 1st category.

Williams Academy Typewriter Ad

Have a Williams Junior or Academy Typewriter for sale? Email me at or call +1 (860) 729-2252

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