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Kovako Typewriter


The direct translation for this model's name, from Russian, should have been Tahitip, but for the Western markets it was translated to Tiphlotype (I've also seen Tachytip). It was invented by Lieutenant Colonel Alexander M. Kovako of St. Petersburg, Russia who exhibited it in 1885 at the Amsterdam Exhibition for the Blind. Unfortunately for Kovako it was a failure. One writer stated that the Tiphlotype was hastily made and, as a result, it did not perform well. The typewriter also does not appear to be exclusively for blind users so there may have been a bias against it at the exhibition. Nonetheless, Colonel Kovako replaced the Tiphlotype with the Stigmatype, a much simpler writing machine that was specific to the blind.


(тахитипъ, системы ковако ,офицерская с.п. бургъ)

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